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Do you hate it when people complain? It turns out there’s a good reason: Listening to too much complaining is bad for your brain in multiple ways, according to Trevor Blake, a serial entrepreneur and author of Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life. In the book, he describes how neuroscientists have learned to measure brain activity when faced with various stimuli, including a long gripe session.

“The brain works more like a muscle than we thought,” Blake says. “So if you’re pinned in a corner for too long listening to someone being negative, you’re more likely to behave that way as well.”

Even worse, being exposed to too much complaining can actually make you dumb. Research shows that exposure to 30 minutes or more of negativity–including viewing such material on TV–actually peels away neurons in the brain’s hippocampus. “That’s the part of your brain you need for problem solving,” he says. “Basically, it turns your brain to mush.”

But if you’re running a company, don’t you need to hear about anything that may have gone wrong? “There’s a big difference between bringing your attention to something that’s awry and a complaint,” Blake says. “Typically, people who are complaining don’t want a solution; they just want you to join in the indignity of the whole thing. You can almost hear brains clink when six people get together and start saying, ‘Isn’t it terrible?’ This will damage your brain even if you’re just passively listening. And if you try to change their behaviour, you’ll become the target of the complaint.”

So, how do you defend yourself and your brain from all the negativity? Blake recommends the following tactics:

1. Get some distance

“My father was a chain smoker,” Blake confides. “I tried to change his habit, but it’s not easy to do that.” Blake knew second hand smoke could damage his own lungs as well. “My only recourse was to distance myself.”

You should look at complaining the same way, he says. “The approach I’ve always taken with complaining is to think of it as the same as passive smoking.” Your brain will thank you if you get yourself away from the complainer, if you can.

2. Shields up!

When you’re trapped listening to a complaint, you can use mental techniques to block out the griping and save your neurons. Blake favours one used by the late Spanish golfer Seve Ballesteros during a match against Jack Nicklaus–a match the crowd wanted Ballesteros to lose. “He was having difficulty handling the hostility of the crowd,” Blake says. “So he imagined a bell jar that no one could see descending from the sky to protect him.”

Major League Baseball pitchers can sometimes be seen mouthing “Shields on!” as they stride to the mound, he says. He adds that his own imaginary defence is “more like a Harry Potter invisibility cloak.”

Source: Minda Zetlin, Author

الاستماع للمتذمرين يضر دماغك

يقول الخبراء في مجال المخ و الأعصاب ان النشاط الحقيقي للمخ يقاس بالتعرض للمؤثرات المختلفة
بما في ذلك التعرض للألم لفترة طويلة
فالمخ يعمل و كأنه عضلة.و لذلك اذا وضعك شخص في زاوية وسرد لك الكثير من المواقف السلبية والمشاكل ،فاعلم انك معرض لأن تتصرف بنفس اسلوبه السلبي
بل و الأسوأ من ذلك هو ما اثبتته الدراسات بأن الشخص الذي يتعرض الى الأخبار السلبية لمدة 30 دقيقة حتى و لو كان ذلك من خلال التلفاز تتقشر الخلايا العصبية المحيطة بمنطقة الحصين في مخه وهو الجزء المسؤول
عن حل المشاكل وبذلك يتحول المخ الى عصيدة!

ولكن في حال كنت تدير شركة فأنت بالطبع بحاجة للاستماع للشكاوى و معرفة طبيعة المشاكل التي تواجهها الشركة ولكن يمكنك ان تسيطر على الموقف وذلك بالاستماع الى الأشخاص الذين يحاولون ايجاد حلول للمشاكل والابتعاد عن هؤلاء الذين يكتفون بإخبارك بأن الوضع سيء ولن يحل!

والسؤال هنا كيف تحمي نفسك من هؤلاء الأشخاص السلبيون؟

1-اترك مسافة

اترك مسافة بينك وبين الشخص الشاكي فمثلاً شخص يشكو من كثرة التدخين ولكنه لا يتوقف عنه ويشكو من صحته في الوقت نفسه من الأفضل ان تبتعد عنه عندما يدخن فعلى الأقل لن تتأذى رئتيك!

2- احمي نفسك

عندما تقع فريسة للشخص الشاكي ولا تجد مفر للهروب منه فأفضل ما يمكنك فعله هو
التفكير في شيء آخر يصرف انتباهك عما يقوله

الكاتبة ميندا زيتلين